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The Citronella - Citrus tree - Orange tree

The Citrus Tree (also called Citronella or Orange Tree) is a great addition to grow your own fruit. Of course, it is also immediately reminiscent of the tropics.
The Citrus Tree (also called Citronella or Orange Tree) is a great addition to grow your own fruit. Of course, it is also immediately reminiscent of the tropics. This is also why they are highly valued worldwide, but it's still mainly about the fruits.

It is a plant that likes a lot of sunlight, and is best placed in full sun.

Unfortunately, the Citrus tree is not very hardy. We therefore recommend bringing the tree inside during the cold winter months.

This tree originates from Mediterranean Spain and Portugal

The minimum temperature of citrus trees are -5 degrees.

The citrus tree is also non-toxic (both the tree and the fruit). So they can be safe in the house with e.g. cats.

The soil of the Citrus tree should be slightly moist at all times. Especially in the summer period, the root ball should not dry out. It is therefore a good idea to water the plant 2 to 3 times a week, provided it stands in full sun.

The roots of the Citrus tree do not like sopping wet feet. So make sure they are not standing in a layer of water. If this is not done, root rot can occur.

So, if you would like to buy an Orange tree, this one is highly recommended.

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