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The Cycas revoluta - Peace Palm

The Cycas revoluta, known as the 'peace palm' is actually not a palm tree at all! It belongs to the cycases and thus not to the palmaeae. This beautiful plant is intended for indoors due to limited winter hardiness.

Frequently asked questions, FAQ

The Cycas revoluta, how tall will it grow?

. The Cycas eventually gets a stem of up to 150cm high. From this comes a large leaf crown of up to 4x the stem height. Thus he can reach a total height of up to 8 meters.

Is the Cycas revoluta poisonous?

. The Cycas contains a lot of "Cycasin" and "Beta-methylamino L-alanine," which are toxic substances. When ingested, the Cycas is highly toxic to both humans and animals. Ingestion of leaves of the Cycas can even kill an animal.

Is the Cycas revoluta hardy?

. Unfortunately, this palm is quite temperature sensitive, and thus is not hardy. During the winters it should be in an area where it does not freeze. Should it do experience some cold, it will tolerate temporary temperatures of up to 1 degree.

The Cycas revoluta is for sale where?

. With us, Teeninga Palms, you can buy the Cycas revoluta. We have several sizes in our offer for low prices

The Cycas revoluta, what soil to use?

. We recommend for all palm trees to use Mediterranean nutrient soil. This soil is specially tailored to tropical plants, which is what these palms are, and it ensures that they get exactly the nutritional base they need, apart from supplemental feeding which is also necessary. For that, we recommend Palm Focus.

Is the Cycas revoluta toxic to cats?

. Yes, the Cycas is highly toxic to cats. It is recommended to put this palm in an area where cats do not go.

The Cycas revoluta as a summer plant

. The Cycas revoluta can easily be used as a summer plant in the garden. As long as it does not freeze this beautiful palm dethrones well in the garden. However, be sure to pot around the root ball so it can be brought inside with the winter.

How fast does the Cycas revoluta grow?

. This palm is a fairly slow grower. It also does not grow very large, with a trunk of up to 150cm. Count on an annual growth of 5-10cm.

The Cycas revoluta, how often should it be watered? The Cycas revoluta needs water every day on warm days. On colder days it can wait a day or 2 days, and with freezing temperatures it can wait up to a week.

The Cycas revoluta, when to prune?

. The leaves of this feather palm will naturally become barren, this happens every year. When they become dry or unsightly, you can simply cut them off near the stem with pruning shears. This will help the Cycas form its trunk.

How to sow the cycas revoluta?

. Expect that at most 50% of the sown seeds will germinate.

1. The seed contains a woody protrusion. Remove this, as it inhibits germination.
2. File the seed, or make a shallow cut on one side of it. This allows water to enter penetrate hard seeds.
3. The seed should be 2 weeks old at this point. Let it weigh for 3 days in lukewarm water.
4. Use coconut soil or Perlite, or a mixture. Sow each seed separately in a deep pot, as the Cycas germinates in depth with a taproot. Place the seed on the sowing soil and cover with a thin layer of soil.
5. Make sure to keep the seeds moist and mist regularly and on time. Keep a temperature between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius. Otherwise, they will not germinate.
6. From here on, it's waiting. Germination normally takes 4 months to begin, but it can take up to 15 months. So do not conclude too quickly that a seed will not germinate. The fresher the seed, the faster the germination.

The Cycas Revoluta is also known as the "peace palm. It has beautiful dark green leafy branches that are very strong. It looks like both a palm and a fern, but it belongs to the cycasses.

It is a slow grower, which is why it is a bit more expensive. The Cycas gives your living room the real feeling of the tropics because it looks a lot like an ancient tree fern, located deep in the jungle.

It really is a plant that can last a lifetime, as it can live beyond 100 years.

Eventually the palm can grow quite large, with a trunk up to 150 cm tall.

When the new leaves emerge from the core, it looks exactly like the way a fern unfurls. The new leaves are light green at first, then naturally change to their final dark green color.

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